Survey on tobacco and alcohol abuse of underserved population in South African slums conducted by Tobacco Control Research Center

Date:2018-09-26 03:26:48VisitCount:430

Professor Yang Tingzhong, Director of Tobacco Control Research Center (TCRC), Zhejiang University School of Medicine participated in the 46th Union World Conference on Lung Health sponsored by the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Association in Cape Town, South Africa 2-7 Dec., 2015. Professor Yang visited local slums during the conference and conducted a survey on the situation of tobacco and alcohol abuse in local underserved population. TCRC plans to establish research bases here with other U.S. institutions through WHO collaboration, and to conduct cross-cultural population study aiming to promote health of local underserved people.

Founded in 2007, TCRC is a tobacco control research organization at Zhejiang Universality. Researchers in different fields such as public health, health policy and behavior science, work together to investigate measures and tools of tobacco control, which are effective and suitable for Chinese cultures. TCRC has undertaken a number of international projects supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), WHO, Global Bridge and other foundations. More than 50 peer reviewed papers have been published and many of them have been cited in WHO reports, since the center was established.

Photo: Professor Yang Tingzhong with children in Cape Town slums